Words Hurt

These two words are some of the truest words I’ve read lately. Words stay stuck in my brains. I wish I could say that only the good and encouraging words stick, but it’s the hurtful and discouraging words that cut like a knife and are on continuous replay. Why?! Well, I believe satan hates me so much that he just wants me to stay stuck. Stuck on the past, stuck on the words, stuck on worrying about how to “protect myself” from more hurt, pain, or drama, and stuck on what will happen in the future.

This being stuck junk is NOT from God. He forgives me for the past. He knows my future. He is my protector. He knows what what the future has in store for me. Satan wants me to stay “stuck”, because being stuck means I can’t grow. I need to grow closer to Jesus, but how can that happen if I stay stuck? Impossible. The only way to not stay stuck is to put all my faith and trust in God and Him alone. In Christ, I have freedom. Complete freedom. God is the only One who can give true peace in ALL situations no matter how ugly and bleak things look. 

I choose to choose peace and freedom in Christ. I’m sick of satan trying to keep me down on floor with his foot on my chest to keep me stuck. I refuse to allow satan to be victorious. Jesus already has the victory! Jesus will not fail me...ever!!
Isaiah 43:18b-19 
Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there.


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